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Inauguration of commerce and Management Association 2021- 2022

 Inauguration of commerce and Management Association 2021- 2022

Inauguration of commerce and Management Association 2021- 2022 The formal Inauguration of Commerce and Management Association 2021-2022 was held on 16th December 2021

Report Of the Inauguration of commerce and Management Association 2021- 2022 The formal Inauguration of Commerce and Management Association 2021-2022 was held on 16th December 2021,in Mini Auditorium of poornaprajna college at 3.45 P.M. The Chief Guest for the program was Mr. Vinod Krishna Dixit , Founder and MD of Shrillions Consultancy Services.The Program began with a prayer and Association was Inaugurated by Lighting Lamp by Chief Guest in presence of President of the program Dr. Raghavendra A, Principal, Dr. Praksh Rao, Vice Principal, Dr. Vinay Kumar , IQAC Coordinator ,Prof ShivaKumar PT, HOD and Convener of Management Association, Mrs Sumalatha P J , Convener of Commerce Association , Mrs Dhanyashree, Co Convener of Management Association , Student Secretaries of Commerce and Management Association ,other Staff and student members of Commerce and Management Association .Prof Shiva Kumar PT welcomed the Dignitaries in the dais and gatherings. Dr. Raghavendra A, Principal gave a Presidential Address. He advised the Students to Utilize the association to develop the personality by active participation . Mrs Dhanyshree Introduced the Chief Guest and invited to deliver the lecture .The Chief Guest Mr Vinod Krishna Dixit Delivered a Lecture on the topic “ Investment Finance – Key Drivers of Wealth Creation” where in talk he highlighted “what kind of Attitude and Policy is required to be adopted in order to achieve Success in Investment Sector by giving a instance of successful Company and ended his talk with a quote Honest is the Best Policy required in the field of Investment ”. The Function ended with the vote of thanks by Mrs Sumalatha P J . The Program was coordinated by Mrs . Dhanyashree .


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