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Ranger or Rover is the higher wing of Bharat Scout and guide. The Bharat Scouts & Guides is a voluntary, non-political, educational movement for young people. The purpose of the movement is to contribute to the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of local, national and international communities.

Objectives :

The movement is based on the following objectives :

  • To practice national integration.
  • To develop personality through community services.
  • To engage themselves in creative and constructive social work.
  • To work with and among people.
  • To gain leadership skills.
  • To enable students to have ethical sense.

The Promise :

The promise for the Rovers/Rangers :

  • On my honour, I Promise that I will do my best to do my duty
  • To God and my Country
  • To help other people and
  • To obey the scout/Guide Law.

The law for the Scout/Rovers and Guide/Rangers :

  • A Scout/Guide is trustworthy.
  • A Scout/Guide is loyal.
  • A Scout/Guide is a friend to all and a brother/Sister to every other scout.
  • A Scout/Guide is courteous.
  • A Scout/Guide is a friend to animals and loves nature.
  • A scout/Guide is disciplined and helps to protect public property.
  • A scout/Guide is courageous.
  • A scout/Guide is thrifty.
  • A scout /Guide is pure in thought, word and deed.

Stages in the career of a Rovers/rangers :

  • 1. Ranger / Rover aspirant
  • 2. Ranger / Rover
  • 3. Ranger/ Rover in service

Advancement :

Activities :

Activities in college level :

  • 1. Pravesh
  • 2. Nipun Ranger/ Rover
  • 3. Rajya Puraskar Ranger/ Rover
  • 4. Rastrapathi Ranger/ Rover Award
    • 1. Rover Ranger Samagam (National Gathering of Rovers and Rangers), Rover Moot / Ranger Meet. Rover Service Camp, Adventure Programmes, Trekking Camps in Himalayas, Sea Coast and Deserts, Mountaineering, Water Activities.
    • 2. Disaster Management & Preparedness
    • 3. Community Development programs
    • 4. Handicrafts & Vocational Courses
    • 5. Youth forums, Youth Parliament, Group discussions
    • 6. Life Skill development program that includes development of Survival Skills through exposure to adventure/international events.
    • 1. Regular classes
    • 2. Pravesh test
    • 3. Service camps
    • 4. Trekking
    • 5. Industrial visit
    • 6. Community Development Programs.

Poornaprajna College, Udupi, has launched the Niveditha Ranger Team for the 2018-2019 academic year. And the Sri Sri Vibhudesha Terta Rover Crew for the 2019-2020 academic year. We have two Rangers and one Rover team.

Ranger Leaders :

  • Ms. Jyothi Acharya (HWB)
  • Mrs. Prathibha S Bhat

Rover Scout Leader :

  • Dr. Santhosh Kumar

Activities :

  1. 2018-19
  2. 2019-20
  3. 2020-21
  4. 2021-22