The annular solar eclipse of December 2019 was viewed at the college and a program was conducted by PAAC and the Physics Department organized a celebration of the eclipse enabling students and members of the public to view the eclipse through telescopes, pin holes and multiple other apparatus. A large LED screen was set up on which the eclipse could be viewed. A large crowd gathered comprising of students of PPC and public and was also joined by 2 schools from Bangalore and several other school students visited the event. The event began with the eclipse at 8:03 am and concluded at 11:04am. Mrs. Niveditha B.K., Dy. Director. HR and Policy Management ISRO and Dr. P.J Bhat., Retd. Dy. Director. URSC ISRO were the chief guests of the program. After the eclipse peak at 9:24, Dr. A.P Bhat was felicitated by the guests for his efforts of making the eclipse accessible to 1000 schools across Karnataka and spreading the awareness across the state. The guests also released The Amateur Astronomer, a guide to amateur astronomers with astronomical data for upto 5 years, after the event. Along with the eclipse, the students of PAAC also organized basic physics models, ISRO paper rocket model exhibition, fluorescence room and other exhibitions. Dept. of Chemistry, Zoology, Computer Science also organized exhibitions in their respective departments.