A National Level Webinar on Opportunities in Space Science and Astronomy was organized by the Poornaprajna Amateur Astronomers' Club in association with Department of Physics and Internal Quality Assurance Cell for the students and teachers across the nation on 23rd July 2020 .
A total of 780 students, teachers and astronomy enthusiasts registered and participated in the event.
Dr. Raghavendra A. Principal of the college delivered his presidential remarks before the webinar.
The workshop was organized online where all participants logged-in using google meet or Youtube.
Dr. P. Sreekumar is a scientist who obtained his Ph.D from USA and has worked at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center for a decade.
Dr. P. Sreekumar has also worked as a space scientist focussing on Gamma Ray astrophysics on various payloads of ISRO satellites during his 20 years tenure at ISRO. He was also the Director of the Indian Institute of Astrophysics for 5 years and the Director of the Space Science Program Office at ISRO before be retired.
Mrs. Niveditha B.K. joined for the Interaction session.
Dr. P. Sreekumar addressed the participants with a very systematic presentation that spoke on how the students need to think when they want to join Space Science Research. He spoke of the mindset required, skills to be obtained, and the future prospects for the students at ISRO.
While Dr. Sreekumar answered the queries on his presentation and the queries asked to him. Mrs. Niveditha B.K. answered career related queries after the Webinar.
E-Certificates were provided to participants that submitted the feedback form.
All the feedback was positive
Mr. Atul Bhat Co-ordinator of PAAC hosted the webinar and Mrs Prathibha C. Acharya, H.O.D Physics, delivered the vote of thanks.