Poornaprajna College & Post Graduate Center, Udupi _The Department of English in association with IQAC is organising the following programme: An Interview Session Resource Person : Mr. Suhas, an alumnus of Poornaprajna College Host : Ms. Vindhya Acharya, II B.A Date: 15th October 2020 Time: 2.45pm Tune in on Google Meet - meet.google.com/dwi-efnz-uor About the Guest : Mr. Suhas has achieved remarkably in the field of Mathematics. He secured a rank in the Pondicherry University entrance examination , cleared NET examination and is currently pursuing Integrated Ph.D at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai . The interview focuses on - Methods to prepare for entrance exams after graduation and how to enter avenues in Mathematics. All students of Mathematics are requested to join the meeting. We encourage students to come out with queries regarding career prospects in the field of Mathematics. Co-ordinator: Prof.Vasantha Raviprakash. - Department of English Poornaprajna College, Udupi.